Photographic Group Exhibition and Panel Discussion at luxury hotel, The Gorgeous George Hotel, 118 St Georges Mall, Cape Town
5 July 17:00 to 23:00 (free),
6 July 11:00 to 16:00 lunch (R500)
Curator: Susan Proctor Hume
Invited Panelists: Josie Borain, Gavin Furlonger, Sam Pegg, Benny Gool, Francois Visser
Artists: Aimee Barnes, Akay Lalu, Alistair Yates, Bettie Coetzee Lambrecht, Christiaan Kritzinger, Diane Webb, Ed Suter, Frida Louw, Gavin van Haght, Jana Hammam, Jordan Rogotzki Lollo Wolheim, Odette Howell. Pieter Vosloo, Tracy Scheepers, Virgine Harel.
Motivation: BettieCL: Metamorphosis – Worm to ButterFLY
‘Meta’ – indicating change or alteration, or alternation: metabolism; metamorphosis, ‘Metamorphosis’ – a complete change from physical form or substance; a complete change of character, appearance etc.’
Maybe this helps to clarify what happened between using my camera in a desert and spitting out images of underground tunnels with scratches on the walls that look like huge waves. The size on which surfers would die to ride.
Petrified into rock! Using my man-made tool, the camera and computer, I transformed hard rock into silk-softness. As Nature had used its tools, water and wind and tiny pebbles. Revisiting recently my original images exhibited in a 2010 Solo exhibition I coaxed them to morph into “a complete change of physical form …. A complete change if character, appearance etc.” This transformation/metamorphosis remembers the miraculous change from worm to butterfly; from crawling on earth to flying in the sky, metaphorically speaking.
18 June 2024